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Nov 30, 20204 min read
4 CPFIS-OA Funds With 7% Historical Annualized Returns Or Higher
A few days ago, I got a message from my client. The client was curious as to his own investment returns, so he checked, sent me back a...
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Nov 21, 20206 min read
Why Investors Chose The Singapore Market (And Why They Should Give Up)
Also: How My 2019 Clients Outperformed The Straits Times Index by Over 75% YTD (and counting) the way, people seem to really like...
1,154 views0 comments

Oct 21, 20205 min read
Investment Context: Defining a Genius and an Idiot
Context is important before you randomly select investments from something you read online, like silly reviews.
779 views0 comments

Oct 7, 20205 min read
INDIRECT LOSSES! How They Kill Your Dreams (And How Investing Will Save You)
Indirect Losses are an area which very few Financial Planners understand and account for. Learn about them here.
630 views0 comments

Sep 23, 20205 min read
Geographical Risk - How I've Comfortably Beaten The SNP500 By Double Digits Year To Date
How exploration of investments outside of the country or the US could help you as an investor.
1,716 views0 comments

Sep 16, 20205 min read
Don't Jaywalk - Because Kids Are Watching! A Lesson in Employee Management And Investing
A short article on Employees and Investing before a technical article next month.
282 views0 comments

Sep 9, 20204 min read
Why Jamus Lim Would Suggest Going Into Debt to... Make Lots of Money? (with context)
A Short Write Up explaining the pros and cons more. Please seek a detailed consult from a licensed consultant such as Money Maverick.
2,088 views0 comments

Aug 1, 20206 min read
Are 'Private Annuity' Plans Superior to CPF? – A Gift for FI-35 and a Lesson for Others
Answering FIi35's question from 2 weeks ago. There is an actual answer.
2,872 views4 comments

Aug 1, 20201 min read
Assumptions Used/All Articles
The fact that I needed to create this at all to be compliant is sad.
230 views0 comments

Jul 29, 20204 min read
Waiting to Get Started in Investing? You Lose Over $7600 A Month While You Wait!
We rarely discuss the opportunity cost associated with investing too late. It can rack up a lot.
1,448 views0 comments
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